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We still have not learned or have we?
“The Emotional Stress We Do To Each Other”

I haven’t written in a year almost 4 months now.
I have listen to people complain about this and that in their life.
Other’s hating other’s cheating, lying, coning, stealing.
And how they connive in what they want and get no matter what it is.
It doesn’t matter if you on a chat program or in real life it’s still the same.
They will lie to another or to their loved one’s that they think they care about or use that person so they don’t get caught.
Oh it would be so sad if they got caught. in there lies.
The thing is that no one want to be caught lying to another not even when they know it is wrong.
They will threaten you just to keep their secret quite.
And they just do not care.
They do not care about the person they hurt.
And what emotional problems they will have after they have been hurt.
They think Oh well its ok she or he will get over it.
But the question is this will they be strong. 
And to get over the emotional stress that they have to deal with and go through in their life.
It’s easy to cause a problem in someone’s life but they do not have to deal with the pain and hurt they cause in someone else’s life.
Someone told me that I shouldn’t tell others about things but you know that person doesn’t realize that these things that I write have happen to me.
Others should know how people can be in life and be aware what others can do in their lives and that they can be trusted.
We as a human race we have a lot of growing up with our attitudes of our own life.
And understand how we should treat another person whether it is a child or adult.
We are to busy hurting a trying to get what is not ours to have.
The greed has taken over people and there evil ways.
We have lost our trust and faith in our self’s and our creator.
Our anger getting in the way and getting even is not the answer.
We are taught to hate! And many other curl things to do and say.
It’s not the world that is the problem it is the people that are the problem and how we treat our selves and others.
I also realize there are a lot that do not even realize what they are doing
But most of them do know what they are doing and it’s sad because they do not even care about another.
And this why we have a lot of people that are mess up from how they have been treated in life.
How can we open our eyes to see people like this in life?
And realize these are not the kind of people that we should be around or in our life.
Do not let someone use you in till you are so blind that you cannot see what that person is really doing to you.

Written By,
Sharon Ann Cressy
May 19 2009
Time 11:11P.m.

We can change if we really want to but it is up to each and everyone of us to do so.
Its like this picture in a window.
If we open it what is on the other side to help us change because we want to.
The Song is called "When"
Original Midi Compositions By,
Bruce De Doer

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