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“A Feeling Of Love “

It is acting feeling wanting to be touched.
Wanting too be held by another person.
Caring with ones hearts too share with another.
It’s so special that it hurt as the loneliness is so deep in ones soul.
Needing and wanting too be with another person.
Wanting too feel safe with one person that they love!
It feelings like being drawn together by a unknown force.
But it is so powerful of a feeling that it can’t be let go.
It is like a magnet pulling a man and woman together.
The feeling of love is wanting too be loved with care.
The inter feeling is so great that it is right as each person feels the same.
It’s a feeling of never wanting too leave that feeling of love.
It’s a feeling of never ending as the love is so strong with ones heart.
As they are one with all the beauty of this special love that never changes.
And if it a true love it will stand and not fall!
It is a wanting not too be alone It is a wanting too share as one.
It is a wanting of not being alone too shared with another.
The loves has too been the very true love with ones soul and share it with another.
It is true love that no one can bring it down.
It is the love with a man and woman and what the Creator wants too share with the two.
It is a gift that is so special that it is given.
It is too be respected with honor and grace.
To be gentle each step of the way.
To trust by knowing the love is true within ones heart and soul.
Some time this special love even hurts because being alone is the saddest thing that anyone should go through.
Its even get worse when things get hurtful by another person words.
And not meaning what they say and mean.
Love is so delicate that it can break so easy.
Love is so beautiful and others have too spoil it.
And the true meaning of love is really gone for ever? Or is it?
This Love was a gift that it shine within ones self when love come in too ones life too share with another.
It is a oneness with a man and a woman of grace and with loving hearts.
Its not too be destroy by peoples with evil thoughts of there minds and using it in the wrong way.
And using it too hurt others in a manner of using the words out of place.
Being in love is wanting too be together for the rest of there life’s and too be respected.

Written By, 
Sharon Ann Cressy
November 15 2005
Time was 5:26 PM

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