Whitefeathers Poems
Sharon Ann Cressy
Whitefeather is my given name.
I`m proud to have this given name.
It was given to me by my spirits.
Here Are More Pictures 
This is my Famly
My Mother at left  my Father in the middle and Brother on the right, and of coure me on my Fathers Laph
Here are some of the things that I do, that are below
The Forgotten one`s
The Crew and Captain
The fairy Land
The Peace with in The Land
The Winter Snows
The Magic Land
The Eagle That Flys
Jesus Blessing
My Native Head ban with bead work
Native American  Head Dress
My Rattle I made
The Rainbow beaed neckless
Left is me middle is my Mother and back is
My Father and friends on the right.
I Made This Rattle For Twofeatherscreek
It was a honor to make this Rattle for Twofeatherscreek as he is my best friend that I have known for a year and half.
He has help me in many ways as my best friend.
And I honor him as my best friend Always!
                 " The Given Name" 

As I stand out side, and walk up the road.
I go to the river up stream.
As I cross the bridge to the other side were I walk.
As I`m a lone, its were I go with in my soul.
There is two tree there and a rock that I set upon.
I was given my given name on that rock when I was asking.
My name is White Feather.
As I was told by my inter soul a long time ago.
It was given about two weeks ago on a cold winter day.
The name was given to me for a reason.
And you wonder why?.
White is pure and my soul is love to spread every were I go.
The inter peace that is shared with love.
I hear the distance drum that are blown in the wind.
My awareness has grown as I come to a place that is unknown to others.
I hear the cries of long ago in the woods long ago.
I`m told that I can wonder the woods.
When I`m there I feel the peace of life.
I see the animals running in the rocks and the birds fly in the sky.
The birds the go under water to feed.
I`m welcome there as the river and trees talk to me as I listen to the sound
they make.
I feel the snow fall upon my face and the cold wind that blows upon me.
I see in my mind the peaceful things that were done long ago.
Were there was peace were the land was free.
Anyone is welcome as the treat the forest with peace and respect.
I can hear the bird talk as the fly by in the trees.
There is a place were the ice has frozen in the river but the water still is
As it is free as the time it was born in life.
All thing are alive here in the woods as all things grow in beauty and love.
As I`m aware and I see what nature let me see.
And when its my time to leave this earth my name will always be White
Feather as it was meant to be.
As I`m free to wonder the woods or were ever I may be to be free.

                   Written By Sharon Ann Cressy
                            January 16, 2000
                      Sunday  Time:  9:46P.M.
This is the rock that I sat on where I got my given name:    "Whitefeather"
                             "The Man And His Conquest"

There once was a man who was lonely and blue.
He couldn`t fine true love, and he didn`t know what it was, or where to find
He was hurt by too many people in his life.
In his life he didn`t care about himself or anyone else for that matter.
And I must say that this happens to everyone of us in the world today.
Today we are looking for love we cannot fine.
So this man went out in the world to fine true love.
It took year`s to fine what he was looking for.
But he was too busy in his life, and in a hurry.
He was in his own world, and couldn`t see anything else around him.
But you see the love he was looking for was right in front of him, and he
couldn`t see it.
He didn`t look with in himself to see who he was.
And the love he was looking for was in himself all the time.
To love the God with in himself because he is a part of God.
So one day God talked to this man and told him.
Love you for what you are and who you are.
Take time for yourself and learn about you, because before you know it life
is gone.
It is a treasure to have life.
Your life is very precious to you as it is so short at any time.
To be so busy in your life and never to enjoy what life holds for you.
Don`t be afraid of taking a chance in life because this is how you learn.
And before you know it time is gone.
You can`t go back in the past, its always forward.
So take time for yourself because life is gone in a blink of an eye, and its
gone forever.
You have to love you before you can give it to others.
It is the peace you feel within yourself a state of quietness only you can
You have to understand yourself before you can understand others.
Listen to what you say to others.
And most important listen to your interself.
Treat yourself as you want others to treat you.
It is important to forgive yourself and others.
To be patient with yourself so you can be patient with others.
For you may have been in their position at one time in your life time.
You have to work for the good things in your life, not the bad things.
The things we have experience in our past are learning experience we have to
learn in our life.
To love you is to work to improve yourself in life.
Then you will fine what you are looking for.
Then can you fine happiness in your life.
Only then will life be a better place for all of us.
So God said to the man, Ive only gave you and enlightenment of your life it
Take time to work at these things I have told you.
The man went on with his life and worked out his problems.
He never ran away from himself or his problems again.
And when people saw this man.
They knew that he was a wise man.
And the knowledge of what God gave him.
For people knew this man for what he was, and who he was.
Because the man loved himself for who he was and what he was.
People could see it in his face and eyes.
The love that shines on his face so bright.
So if each of us honestly try our very best in life we can do anything we
If we have faith in our selves.
It is most important that we love our selves only then can we love others.
May love and peace be with all of us where ever we may be.

Written By,
               Sharon Ann Cressy
                March 25, 1990


"The Good Bye Is So Final At The End"

Never say good bye as you may not see that person again.
As good bye is so final that you may be sad as you may never see that person
again or talk.
As they may die and never see them only in spirit of time again.
So remember what you say as good bye is so final in the end.
As I want to see your face once again.
Just to hold you and give you a big hug and say?
Oh how have you been, it is good to see you once again.
It has been a long time sense we saw each other.
So never say good bye to all the ones that you care about as you never know
whether you may see them again.
As life is so short that in a moment in your own life you could be gone.
What a very sad thing.
So do for the moment do for the now say what you feel in your heart.
Say things that you feel, but do remember try your very best to be honest
and truthful.
Not to hurt others as you are hurting your self as it come back.
And it will come back to you.
So be at peace with in your very soul.
Given Peace, Light and Love.
To have the knowledge and understanding.
These are the most important things that MUST be.
There are to many things that are hurtful in life.
And it is so sad as I feel it in my heart I feel it in my soul.
And in my mine I know.
So if you care about a person don`t be afraid of how you feel.
It will come out some day or time.
If you don`t ask or say you will never know what life has to offer you.
We have been through a lot of pain in life.
But that's only a part of learning and we learn and go on.
This is how we become aware of other peoples feelings.
As we have been there and we know how it feels.
And yes we make mistakes but that a part of learning and forgiving.
If you don`t ask for forgiving then it will be with you for the rest of your
life in till you make it right.
Even if you have to face that person in your life time you have to forgive
to be whole again.
You have to make things right no matter what happen in life.
It is better to for give, but never forget as you never know it could happen
So give love from your heart even if your friends.
Treat them like you would want them to treat you.
 The love ,peace and the light are one as we are one from the essence of
life it self.
So when you have friends or you make friends or what ever the case may be.
Tell them always how you care about them.
As you may never see them again and saying good bye is so final at the end.
So Peace and light and love be with all as we are one.

Written By,
                 Sharon Ann Cressy
                 Wednesday, April 19, 2000
                  Time 12:51 P.M.

My Brother`s beaded jacket and the things he did.
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